Thursday, December 17, 2009

Just When Gout Was Bad I Get Kidney Stones

When people talk about gout, it is commonly associated with swollen and inflamed joints. However gout can cause other complications, and one of the most common ones is kidney stones.

Kidney stones are small rock-like masses. They range in size, sometimes they are small enough to exit the body through urination, but sometimes they should be large enough to block the flow of urine. When kidney stones are present in the body, urinating must be a very painful experience. There are several reasons for the formation of kidney stones in the body. However when kidney stones are present in a gout sufferer it is normally as a result of extreme uric acid present in the urine.

People who sufferer from reoccurring gout attacks have a higher risk of developing kidney stones than the typical person. Middle aged men and the elderly (both sexes) also have a higher chance of developing kidney stones. This is because middle aged men and and the elderly are the main gout sufferers, and they have higher levels of uric acid.

Another factor which increases the chances of developing kidney stones is the type of gout an individual suffers from. The two types of gout are known as primary and secondary gout. An individual suffers from primary gout when they have high levels of uric acid but the cause is unknown. An individual suffers from secondary gout when they have high levels of uric acid as a result of some underlying disorder.

Roughly 10 - 25 percent of primary gout sufferers will develop kidney stones, whilst 42 percent of secondary gout sufferers go on to develop kidney stones.

The symptoms of kidneys stones may vary from nothing at all to the ones mentioned below:

Blood in urine, nausea or vomiting as a result of severe pain.

Extreme pain in the lower back, groin abdomen or side.

If you tolerate any of the symptoms which have just been mentioned you can visit your doctor as soon as possible in order for him or her to diagnose your condition.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I'd Rather Talk To My Sister In Law Than Have Gout

If you have read other articles on this website you'll be aware that gout is caused by a build up of uric acid. Not multiple gout sufferers realize this however there are actually quite a few things you should do to naturally decrease the amounts of uric acid in your body. They wont cure the condition but they can make it much more manageable.

One substance which has helped sufferers of gout decrease their levels of uric acid is folic acid. Some research suggests which consuming 70 mg of folic acid on a daily basis has the effect of lowering the levels uric acid in the body. However this is not a hard and fast rule because, more research was carried out on the link between folic acid and gout and the results showed folic acid has no effects on uric acid.

Experts believe which this inconsistency in their findings suggests that folic acid may help reduce uric acid levels in some people however not in others, however research is on going so hopefully the link between folic acid and gout may become more apparent. Vitamin C has also been noted as having a positive affect on gout, however like folic acid more research is necessary into the link.

The reason why scientists believe folic acid may help alleviate some of the symptoms of gout is because it is thought to neutralize an enzyme known as xanthine oxidase. This enzyme plays a part in the production of uric acid in the body. Scientists believe which if this enzyme is blocked, it must prevent excess uric acid being manufactured in the body. This would decrease the frequency of a gout attack in an individual.

If you decide to try folic acid as a gout remedy you need to ensure you don't exceed the stated dose. The recommended dose varies, depending on the manufacturer of the supplement, it is usually between 10 and 70mg, so make sure you stick to the dose recommended by the manufacturer. It can be stated clearly on the label of the supplement. If you don't see a label do not use the product, it usually means that it is low quality.

If you are epileptic and you are taking medication for this condition you must not take folic acid. Too much folic acid may reduce the effectiveness of medication used to treat epilepsy.

As with any form of medication, supplement or herbal remedy you need to speak to your doctor before taking folic acid. If you endure any side effects not noted on the labeling inform your doctor immediately. Your doctor will be able to determine what has caused the side effects and whether or not you may continue using folic acid as a gout remedy.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

How I Prevent Gout - Sometimes I Win, Sometimes Gout Wins

There are numerous steps individuals can take to avoid gout attacks, following the plan outlined is an excellent method of gout prevention.

Keep yourself warm

One of the main triggers of gout is exposure to cold.This is because the cold weather has a direct affect on the uric acid crystals. Keeping yourself warm is a simple precaution to take, basically you just need to ensure your hands, wrists, ankles, ears, elbows, toes and knees are covered up before you are exposed to the cold. Most people do this anyway, but I mentioned this because it is extra helpful to protect your joints from the cold if you tolerate gout.

Consume more fluids.

Fluids, particularly water assist the body to dilute uric acid in the blood, it also helps the kidneys to expel it. To ensure you are consuming enough water you need to maintain a mental record of how multiple glasses of water you drink a day. Health experts recommend that adults should drink at least ten 8 ounce glasses of water daily. Doing this will reduce the amounts of uric acid in your blood stream, limiting the chances of you having a gout attack.

Control what you eat.

If you endure gout, generally you would need to completely avoid foods that are high in purine content, because this substance is metabolized by the body and produces uric acid. And the more uric acid in your blood the higher the chance of a gout attack. The high purine foods you need to look out for include: red and dark meet, herring, fish roe, sausages, organ meet and dark fillet.

If you suffer from gout attacks it is a fantastic idea to speak to a dietitian in order to get more data on gout prevention through your diet.

Maintain your bodies PH levels.

Excessive intake of the following substances must decrease the PH of your body: tea, coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks, protein, vitamin C, aspirin and foods that have high chlorine, sulfur or phosphorus may decrease the bodies PH levels. This should cause problems for gout sufferers because uric acid becomes more soluble in the blood and this increases the chance of a gout attack.

Certain medical conditions may also make the body more acidic, these include hypothyroidism, psoriasis and lead poisoning.

Following these simple tips should assist with gout prevention

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What Did I Do To Get Gout? Was It Giving My Brother A Wedgie?

In the initial stages of gout there are no symptoms whatsoever, so there is no way to tell that the crystals are building up and lodging themselves in the sufferers joints. The first symptoms appear when the attack starts.

The most common symptom of a gout attack s, excruciating pain in the joints, normally in the big toe and various other movable joints in the body.

The joints then become inflamed and redness appears around them. The surrounding skin of the affected joint feels hot when touched. The ball of the foot also swells up and starts aching, this pain is also felt in the arch of the foot. The gout attack thens spreads to the ankle, which also becomes inflamed and starts to ache.

The gout attack eventually spreads to various joints in the body, the fingers, knuckles, elbows, knees, wrists and all similar joints are affected. As a result they all become swollen and the sufferer can feel numerous sharp and sudden pains throughout his or her body.

After the first attack it is very likely that a person will suffer another gout attack in the coming months and in some cases years, because gout is a recurring condition. However if a person suffers from chronic gout the attacks occur consistently one after another.

When a doctor is trying to find out if someone has gout they will look for three symptoms, pain inflammation and swelling. Swelling is actually a better indication of gout than the other too because they are inconclusive, pain and inflammation accompany many different conditions.

Another gout symptom is discoloration of the skin, the skin surrounding the joints of a gout sufferer normally turns a shade of purple. Skin discoloration plus pain and swelling is usually a good indication of a gout attack, however if you notice any of these symptoms it's a great idea to visit your doctor immediately, because if gout is not treated quickly medication can become ineffective.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Gout, Gout, Gout - I Hate Gout

Gout is caused when the body produces too much uric acid. This uric acid is a waste product, when the body produces normal levels of this product it has no problem getting rid of it. It is usually expelled from the body in urine. However when the there are high levels of uric acid in the body, it is not able to break this substance down down efficiently. This condition is known as hyperuricema. When an individual suffers from gout it's because the uric acid has turned into crystals, that have lodged themselves under the skin causing excruciating pain, discomfort, and inflammation.

Lets take a deeper look at how these crystals form.

It all starts with a substance called purine which is part of the human diet, the body metabolises this substance and uric acid is produced as a waste product. This waste product then reacts with sodium ions in the body and forms a substance called mono-sodium urate (MSU). MSU takes the form of insoluble salt crystals and these crystals lodge themselves in the joints of the body. However this does not bring up swelling and pain immediately, the swelling occurs because the body recognizes these crystals as foreign bodies and as a result it fights the crystals with white blood cells. Inflammation of the skin suddenly develops as the result of this immunologic reaction, causing severe pain.

Gout doesn't affect every one in the same way as in, some people tend suffer more frequent gout attacks than others. There are multiple reasons for this, one of them is gender. Research suggests that men are at a significantly higher risk of developing gout than women. This is believed to be due to the fact that men have higher levels of uric acid than women.

Genetics is another cause of gout, research suggests which a quarter of gout sufferers have have a family history of the condition.

Another cause of gout is lifestyle and diet, if you consume distinct foods such as seafood you are more likely to develop gout. Seafood contains purines which raise the levels of uric acid in the body when it is broken down. However do bare in mind not all seafoods are high in purine..

Another cause of gout is the consumption of extreme alcohol. Obese people are also at higher risk of developing gout.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

You Mean What I Eat Causes Gout - That's Just Great

Gout is a terrible condition, but it may be controlled by eating healthily, and hold ing a healthy lifestyle. Gout occurs when the body produces excessive uric acid, that is created when the body metabolises purine. If a food has moderate levels of purine the body has no problem disposing of the uric acid, it is the purine rich foods that you have to watch out for.

If you are trying to alleviate the symptoms of gout these are the foods that you need to avoid as they are exceptionally high in purine; offal, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, scallops, fish roe, red meats, kidney, liver, pulses( i.e. lentils and peas), yeast and shell fish.

The following foods contain a moderate amount of purine, so these may be taken in moderation: Whole grain breads and cereal, fresh fish, saltwater fish, cauliflower, spinach, mushrooms, oatmeal, asparagus, poultry and eggs.

Gout sufferers must ensure their diet includes fresh fruit and vegetables, seeds and grains. They should also consume low fat cheese, tea, coffee, and nuts because these foods and drinks are low in purine.

Some people recommend gout sufferers eat cherries, strawberries and blackberries. Berries that are dark in color are believed to be rich in chemicals which assist to reduce the levels of uric acid in the blood.

Gout sufferers should lower alcohol intake at all costs, and they need to drink sufficient of fluids, particularly water because these fluids help the body to eliminate uric acid, and this stops it from building up in the blood stream.

Since gout is more prevalent in the obese and overweight, it is recommended which some one who is overweight follows an exercise plan. However avoid sudden weight loss because this can actually increase the levels of uric acid in the body.

Following these simple steps, along with taking medication will reduce the risk of further gout attacks.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What Is Gout and Why Do I Get It?

Gout is an extremely painful form of Arthritis, it can affect numerous joints in the body including the wrists, fingers, knees, arms, elbows, hands and ankles. In most cases this condition begins in the joint of the big toe. Gout is not really talked about much, infact most people have never heard of it, however approximately 2 million people deal with this condition every year.

The majority of gout suffers tend to be men in their forties and fifties, it also tends to affect women in this age range.

Gout occurs when the body produces extreme uric acid, this goes on to form uric acid crystals which get trapped in between the joints causing inflammation of the surrounding tissue and excruciating pain for the suffer. The area around the joint swells up and stiffens.

The speed at which gout develops is what differentiates it from other forms of arthritis. It usually develops within twelve to twenty four hours. The gout attack may last for up to ten days, before going away.

Gout attacks occur at the least expected times, and sometimes during sleep. They usually happen between midnight and 2 am in the morning, the attacks also seem to be more frequent in the spring months.

If you suffer a gout attack, you are likely to tolerate more attacks, even years apart because gout tends to be a recurring condition. With each attack the frequency gradually increases.

If you do deal with a gout attack it is recommended that you speak to your doctor straight away. If gout is not treated in the proper manner the affected joints must end up permanently disfigured. Untreated gout can also lead to other conditions such as high blood pressure and kidney problems.

During the onset of gout, medication can be taken as soon as possible. If no medication is administered within the first twelve hours the attack should get out of control and the medication will have little or no effect. Gout sufferers are advised to carry medication with them at all times.